Refrain perfectionists. Here the product is created while we receive feedback from our customers. In fact, there is a principle that says that under this methodology you should be "ashamed" after months to look back and see what you came to offer as a product. When we talk about products in this article, we are basically referring to infoproducts or group consulting, mentoring or coaching services . That you can use the early launch to offer individual services or certain physical products, too. Although it would be necessary to make some variations on what we are going to tell here.
The elements necessary for a groundbreaking launch Before embarking on a pioneering launch, the following elements must be clear : Niche Every product is usually collected in a Latest Mailing Database market niche . Actually, a niche is a portion of a market segment in which individuals have homogeneous characteristics and needs. In the world of infoproducts and knowledge, I like to talk about major niches : Money : It claims that the transformation supposes an economic improvement of the person. This includes everything related to companies, entrepreneurship, marketing, investments, etc. Health : Everything that has to do with health and good quality of life. We can find medicine, therapies, nutrition, etc.
Personal development Refers to topics on spirituality, coaching, mental powers, mindfulness, neurolinguistic programming, interpersonal relationships, etc. Hobbies : Anything involving hobbies. Such as sewing, crafts, sports, etc. Like any classification there are border areas. A hobby can become a business, or a subject like yoga can belong to both health and personal development, for example. The important thing, more than where to frame it, is that the niche is in demand, that there is some unsatisfied need in the audience that you can satisfy.